Accounting and reporting services
Taxation services
Payroll and Admin services
Consulting services
Internal control
Accounting and reporting services
Total or partial takeover of the financial-accounting function: processing of accounting documents, preparation of the monthly verification balance;
Preparation and certification of annual financial statements and annual and half-yearly accounting reports;
Development and execution of the management reporting package according to other accounting standards: IFRS/IAS, US-GAAP;
Accounting expertise reports: professional examination of accounting records and formulation of conclusions (answers) to the objectives established with the client;
Assistance in locating and migrating accounting data;
- Mapping the accounting plan;
- Assistance in the preparation of migration files;
- Verification of migration results.
Inventory process: organization of the inventory process, training of personnel participating in the inventory, preparation of documentation and correct inventory performance, centralization of the inventory results and preparation of recommendations for the management of the company.
Taxation services
Tax reporting;
- Preparation of fiscal declarations;
- Quarterly calculation of the tax on micro-enterprises;
- Calculation of the profit tax and preparation of the Declaration regarding the profit tax;
- Submission of declarations online or to the tax authorities;
- Registration for VAT purposes (preparation and submission of documents to obtain the VAT code);
- Reconciliations of synthetic records per payer;
Assistance in the relationship with the tax authorities (starting from the analysis of tax records and calculations, solutions and assistance in the framework of the tax audit carried out by the authorities, up to the settlement of tax controls);
- Assistance in discussions with tax inspectors in order to support the client’s approach to certain tax issues;
- Review of documents requested during tax inspections before they are made available to tax inspectors by clients;
- Assistance in preparing the explanatory notes and points of view requested by the tax inspectors during the period and at the completion of the tax control;
- Reviewing the draft tax inspection report issued by the tax authorities in order to identify the amounts established as taxes and fees owed by customers that can be removed from the report based on discussions with the tax inspectors;
- Drafting of correspondence addressed to the Ministry of Public Finance.
Payroll and Admin services
- Drafting employment contracts and other documents related to the employment contract and registration in REVISAL;
- Preparation of payroll statement, according to the payroll policy of our clients;
- Preparation and submission of declarations regarding salary contributions;
- Providing information regarding the payment of taxes and salary charges;
- Assistance in the elaboration of the Internal Order Regulation;
- Assistance in establishing a performance evaluation system for our clients’ employees;
- Assistance in the negotiation and drafting of the Collective Labor Agreement;
Consultancy services
Accounting and tax consulting based on the subscription/number of agreed hours or on request: consulting on fiscal issues, accounting and payroll, assistance during mergers, liquidations, consulting on internal control issues.
Legislative information: preparation of legislative summaries regarding accounting and fiscal legislative changes.
Periodic accounting and tax audits to ensure the accuracy of accounting reports, by analyzing and verifying the accuracy of significant accounting records, tax calculations and tax returns, contracts and other supporting documents, drawing up a report on their correction and presenting suggestions for improvement, presenting updated financial statements based on the proposed adjustments.
Accounting and tax due diligence for specific objectives, such as: evaluating a business (identifying tax and accounting risks and presenting recommendations).
Tax optimizations by analyzing our clients’ documents, as well as their internal procedures, with the aim of helping them minimize the identified tax exposure and benefit from potential tax savings;
Assistance for the implementation of identified tax facilities;
Start-up services: Providing assistance in the initial phase of the company, providing accounting services and tax advice on the best start-up option and the necessary information in the decision-making process; Assistance in the process of recruiting positions within the financial-accounting department, ensuring staff training or making Nexia ABS staff available;
Trainings: on various accounting and fiscal aspects, for the use of SAP/Charisma.
Internal control
The development and implementation of accounting procedures according to the needs of the client and the specifics of the activity, so that the way of working at the level of the financial-accounting department is more efficient;
Drafting and implementation of the manual of accounting policies and procedures to avoid sanctions;
- The existence of a set of rules aimed at establishing the conditions under which certain operations are carried out that have an impact on accounting and, finally, the fact that accounting information is the basis of the decisions made by directors and shareholders;
- Elaboration of a set (manual) of procedures for all operations performed, starting from the preparation of supporting documents to the completion of quarterly and annual financial statements.
Recovery of stolen/lost documents: provision of temporary accounting resources for the recovery of lost or destroyed accounting and fiscal documents, assistance in the process of preparing missing documents, preparation of archiving with recovered documents;
Budgeting, planning and forecasting: defining a budget model and tracking the necessary steps for performance analysis, defining a reporting package that will contain recommendations in accordance with Romanian legislative requirements, defining a set of indicators for periodic monitoring of profitability, liquidity and developing a reporting system and analysis of indicators: receivables, debts, stocks and liquidity management;
Other internal control services: organizing the financial-accounting department and establishing the role of each employee in this department, organizing the flow of documents and establishing the role of each employee of the financial department.